MAAM Research Meeting July 4 2024

July 4th, 2024|Advisor Videos, Video|

S&P 500, TSX 60, VIX, Bullish vs Bearish Technical Indicators, Alternative Investments, Oil prices, Gold futures, Nvidia, Cisco analysis, FED Funds rate, Office real estate, Canadian real estate, Charts of the week, Gold stocks.

MAAM Research Meeting June 12 2024

June 14th, 2024|Advisor Videos, Video|

S&P 500, TSX 60, VIX, Bullish vs Bearish Technical Indicators, Alternative Investments, Consumer spending around the world, Global economics, Historic P/E ratios of equity markets, Small caps versus large caps, Poland, FED, Kognitiv, Private equity, technology companies.

MAAM Research Meeting June 6 2024

June 6th, 2024|Advisor Videos, Video|

S&P 500, TSX 60, VIX, Bullish vs Bearish Technical Indicators, Alternative Investments, PE exits, Private equity activity, crude oil prices, energy, MAAM Emergence Fund, Market fundamentals, Charts of the week.

MAAM Research Meeting May 2, 2024

May 2nd, 2024|Advisor Videos, Video|

S&P 500, TSX 60, VIX, Bullish vs Bearish Technical Indicators, Alternative Investments, Real estate investing, MAC 360 degree realty fund, Charts of the week, Land banking, The FED, Interest rates, mortgage rates, Google Analysis, Market Fundamentals, Marijuana stocks.

MAAM Monthly Market Update May 2024

May 2nd, 2024|Advisor Videos, Video|

May Update: Nasdaq 100, TSX 60, Technical Indicators, Bullish Percentage, The FED, Interest Rates, Jerome Powell, Mortgage rates, Real estate investing, Land banking, Private asset classes.