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Alternative Investment & Asset Management Commentaries

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Alternative Investment & Asset Management Commentaries2023-12-06T09:21:14-05:00

Alternative Quarterly Commentary – Q1 2024

During the first quarter of 2024, the Trust was higher by 4.1% net of costs, and this brings the Trust’s annualized rate of return since inception [October 2010] to 9.5%underpins a situation where government spending is leading to unsustainable levels of debt and deficit.

By |April 30th, 2024|

Alternative Quarterly Commentary – Q4 2023

During the fourth quarter of 2023, the MacNicol Investment Team continued to observe a widening gap between the inflation expectations of market participants and both voting and non-voting central bank officials. Catalyzing our concerns that financial markets may have “jumped to conclusions” when it comes to interest rates and a labor market that stands 200 basis points below its long-term (ex-COVID) average and fiscal profligacy that underpins a situation where government spending is leading to unsustainable levels of debt and deficit.

By |January 30th, 2024|

Alternative Quarterly Commentary – Q3 2023

Alternative Trust Update: The goals of the Alternative Trust are to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns using private investment opportunities so investors can reduce their dependence on public market investments. During the third quarter of 2023 the trust was higher by approximately 1.4%. Returns from private real estate and hedge funds were higher during the quarter, and strong enough to offset mixed results in private equity.

By |October 30th, 2023|

Alternative Quarterly Commentary – Q2 2023

Alternative Trust Update: The goals of the Alternative Trust are to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns and help alleviate investor reliance on public market investments. During the second quarter of 2023 trust was higher by approximately 1.9% in an environment defined as coping

By |July 25th, 2023|
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