MacNicol Absolute Return Fund
The advantages of our approach to alternative assets include effective diversification, enhanced liquidity and a less volatile return profile compared to the individual asset classes themselves.
- Objective to generate consistent and positive absolute returns
- Returns are independent of public stock markets
- Invest with managers from the US, UK and Canada
- Multiple value-added trading strategies used
- Target return of 7-10% p.a. (net of fees)
- Minimum investment > $50m for Accredited Investors
Click here to view the latest fund fact sheet: Mac Absolute Return Fund Fact Sheet December 2023
*As of December 31, 2023*
“The team at MacNicol have assembled a portfolio solution that is quite unique in Canada, and is most suited to my largest clients. The combination of equities, hedge funds, private equity, real estate, and other bespoke solutions have resulted in a protected journey when traditional equity markets are challenged, while participating in upside opportunity. Many claim “pension-style” management, but MacNicol delivers.”
“We’ve developed a great partnership with MacNicol & Associates. Their dedication to our client’s investment success is evident. We admire the disciplined approach, proven track record, and leading-edge solutions that are so hard to find in one relationship.”