MacNicol & Associates’ hosted its monthly webinar where Raoul Pal, Co-Founder and CEO of Real Vision joined us. Our investment team and Mr. Pal discussed a number of topics. We discussed the resolution of the U.S. Debt ceiling, China vs. the U.S., global markets, forecasting, macro investing, AI and technology investing, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, and much more. Raoul also talked about his background and upbringing. Finally, Raoul answered viewer-submitted questions on a number of topics including currencies, energy stocks, Bitcoin, Ethereum, gold prices, and copper prices.

This is a discussion that you do not want to miss.

MacNicol & Associates asset management also discussed what Real Vision is and where they go from here. MacNicol investors are shareholders in Real Vision through MacNicol’s Alternative Asset Trust.

Email: with any investment planning questions or if you want to discuss your portfolio today.