The Globe and Mail – Why this money manager is betting on Mexico, energy and shorter-duration bonds – February 2023  Click here for the PDF

Investment Executive – PMs prescribe a healthy dose of alts for investing- November 2022

Financial Post – Here’s how three portfolio managers are navigating the global economic storm – November 2022

ACPM – The Observer – Real Estate as an Inflation Hedge and its role in Pension Plans

Why is industrial real estate a ‘hot’ asset class? – Wealth Professional – May 2022

The Globe and Mail – Omicron-led market volatility could provide bigger bargains in the tax-loss selling season – December 3 2021

The Globe and Mail – How advisors are managing crypto funds as client interest grows – November 23 2021

Rebalancing your Portfolio – Dr. Vu Kiet Tran (Host of the Find your Zen and rebalance! podcast) featuring David MacNicol

High-flying loonie’s ‘good’ dilemma for investors: Ride the streak or shop abroad?– May 2021

BMG Group Inc. Special Newsletter on Gold – January 2021

Why this portfolio manager sees the return of golds glory days and its not just megamerger mania- February 2019

Newmont-Goldcorp deal may finally bring legitimacy back to gold sector — but expect volatility along the way – January 2019

Ross Healy Guest Appearance on BNN- November 5th 2018

Ross Healy Guest Appearance on BNN – October 12th 2018

Bifurcated market reminds these fund managers of the dotcom bubble- February 2018

Why this portfolio manager isn’t a big believer in U.S. tech giants like Facebook and Amazon- March 2016

High school dropout has turned Amaya into a gaming and publicly traded powerhouse- November 2015

When everything else goes pear-shaped, investors can always count on death and taxes- October 2015

Digital apps and gaming top manager’s picks- February 2015

Three top stock picks from MacNicol and Associates’ Ross Healy- July 2014

Preparing to go on the investment offensive- May 2014

Four ways to add a dash of spice to your investing returns- February 2014

Open for business? Ottawa’s ability to block foreign sales complicates BlackBerry and telecom deal making- October 2013

BlackBerry Ltd’s retreat back to corporate market is unlikely to stem decline- September 2013

Playing 100 holes in aid of six kids’ charities- September 2013

How to make money investing in real estate- September 2013

BlackBerry Ltd deal may rest in hands of largest shareholder Prem Watsa- August 2013

Taking BlackBerry private is no quick fix- August 2013

Put these small caps on your stock picking list- August 2013

Investing: Obsession with liquidity comes at a price-January 2013

Hold hard assets in a soft market- October 2012

Search for returns- February 2012

Bullish on gold, China- January 2012

Three Risk On, Risk Off Plays- April 2011

Portfolio Changes Ahead?April 2011

Japans Debt Problem- March 2011

Going Gangbusters on Gold- March 2010

Dividend Payers RuleFebruary 2010

The October Caution September 2009

Profiting From Volatility April 2009

Gold Bullion, Infrastructure December 2008

Berkshire Hathaway, AgriumOctober 2008

Franco Nevada & Labrador Iron One August 2008

Shoppers Drug Mart & CGI Group June 2008

Market CallFebruary 2008

Market Call, Manager Picks- November 2007

A Good Time To Be In Canada- November 2004